Film & Animation
King Ashoka in Er @ Parkland
Jacary shooting his dads 40 cal.
King Ashoka & Boogieman on the road. Getting right
Building stage for POE Folks inner city rec tour
DLG'z Getting Down on Take A Picture
King speaking the public.
King Ashoka after being rushed back to Parkland for a second surgery after the first surgery didn't go as planned.
Music Video
DLG'z doing there thing at Kwanza Fest
KIng Ashoka and daughter Ayanna
King Ashoka letting loose. 40 cal. style
We could accomplish more together than if we pushed others' agendas that are against us.
The algorithm is discriminating against you...
Isn't it odd that of the more than 3 million African-American businesses hardly any of them are in the commercial breaks on radio and TV.
This video is about Sisters of Isis Products @
Hair Experience
behind the scenes video of photo shoot